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Manual Solar Water Heaters
Contribuido por Paraguay.
16 de marzo de 2022

What is the name of the solution holder? (main contact person, if multiple)

Gustavo San Juan, Associate Researcher

Does the solution holder have any institutional affiliation in country?

Gustavo San Juan, Associate Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Director of the Institute for Research and Policies of the Built Environment (IIPAC, National University of La Plata - UNLP) and of the Laboratory of Environmental Models and Design (LAMbDA-λ).

What is the purpose of the solution? (brief problem & solution description)

This solution consists of a solar water heater that can be built with traditional materials that are available at any hardware store or sanitary house. It is possible to assemble it in the course of a morning by following the instructions in the simple technology manual written by the work team. The water heater heats up to 80 liters of water per day and costs about a third of the value of a commercial water heater, which runs on gas. Although it does not have the same efficiency, it is an economical alternative to provide a family with hot water that is not suitable for drinking. “They are low-cost solar collectors with simple technology. The fundamental aspect is that anyone can assemble them, and thus they do not have to spend 12 or 15 thousand pesos on a water heater from the market”.

Please upload a picture of the solution.

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Is this solution DIY / open source or IP protected?

Will the solution holder be able to train others (including end-users) in using or replicating the solution?

Is this solution a prototype or product?

What is the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of this solution?

Prototype System

Are there any efficiency benchmarks for this solution (eg. how much energy does it save; how much cheaper does it produce energy than current market rates/ current household expenditure / cost per kW h)?

The water heater heats up to 80 liters of water per day and costs about a third of the value of a commercial water heater, which runs on gas. Although it does not have the same efficiency, it is an economical alternative to provide a family with hot water that is not suitable for drinking. “They are low-cost solar collectors with simple technology. The fundamental aspect is that anyone can assemble them, and thus they do not have to spend 12 or 15 thousand pesos on a water heater from the market”. These devices can provide energy to 4 or 5 people.

Please add the location where this solution was found.

La Plata, Partido de La Plata, Argentina found using OpenCage Geocoder | © OpenStreetMap contributors