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Citizen science on indoor ventilation monitoring by measuring carbon dioxide (CO2)
Contribuido por Bangladés.
13 de mayo de 2022

Collaborative project: Citizens participate in data collection and analysis.

Overall goal: • Provide a low-cost device for indoor ventilation monitoring by measuring carbon dioxide (CO2). • Reduce the probability of contracting airborne diseases, such as COVID-19, among others. • Contribute to enhance performance of people sharing indoor spaces by monitoring ventilation. Specific goals: Research CO2 meter designs, select those that use components available in Argentina, build a working prototype and make the circuit and microcontroller programming code freely and publicly available.

Description of citizen participation: Citizens are provided with a CO2 meter, equivalent to a "thermometer", and receive basic training. They learn that the optimal outdoor ventilation rate is about 400 parts per million (PPM), while the indoor ventilation rate can easily reach 2500 PPM. Therefore, if during monitoring, the value is less than 800 PPM, citizens will record that ventilation is adequate and they can remain indoors with a low risk, as long as they keep at least a one (1) meter distance and wear a mask (in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic). On the other hand, if the value rises, citizens know that they will have to increase ventilation or, otherwise, leave the room until the air is renewed.

Time frame. 12/26/2020 - N/A

Project leaders. Jorge Aliaga, National University of Hurlingham (UNAHUR, inSpanish), University of Buenos Aires (UBA by its Spanish acronym) and National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICE, in Spanish).

Contact information. Email: jorge.aliaga@unahur.edu.ar Web: jorgealiaga.com.ar/?page_id=2864