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From plastic to fuel
Contribuido por Macedonia del Norte.
6 de enero de 2025

What is the name of the solution holder? (main contact person, if multiple)


What is the address and preferred way to contact the solution holder?

Does the solution holder have any institutional affiliation in country?


What is the purpose of the solution? (brief problem & solution description)

This small Mexican company transform all type of plastic into 5 differente sulfur and metal-free fuels. The process of non-catalytic pyrolysis is carried out in the abscence of oxygen. Plastics are transformed from their original solid to gas state to later condense them into fuel based on long carbon chains. There is no plastic burn nor combustion in this process

Please upload a picture of the solution.

Please insert a link to the solution. 

Is this solution DIY / open source or IP protected?

Will the solution holder be able to train others (including end-users) in using or replicating the solution?

What is the unit cost of this Solution along with any additional cost for maintenance and training?


Is this solution a prototype or product?

If this solution is a product, is it available in the market (off the shelf) or advance order has to be given?

What is the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of this solution?


How much has this solution already been diffused? Is there potential feedback from end-users available?

It has been diffused within Mexico and in others countries, but there is no available feedback from end-users.

Are there any efficiency benchmarks for this solution (eg. how much energy does it save; how much cheaper does it produce energy than current market rates/ current household expenditure / cost per kW h)?

From 1kg of plastic (any type of it) transformed: 48% is gasoline, 28% diesel, 12% kerosene, 5% paraffin, 5% propane gas and 2% coke. 

Are there any other potential bottlenecks affecting cross-border or in country diffusion of this solution?

This types of fuel do not produce strictly clean energy, rather they are obstained in an almost clean process of transformation. Even though, this iniciative takes advantage of all plastic waste, including those types of plastic that are non recyclable.

Please add the location where this solution was found.

Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico found using OpenCage Geocoder | © OpenStreetMap contributors