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Hot Clean Air Crop Dryer
Contribué par Fidji.
11 mai 2022

What is the name of the solution holder? (main contact person, if multiple)


What is the address and preferred way to contact the solution holder?

Phone:(+689) 7711022 (Vanuatu)

What is the purpose of the solution? (brief problem & solution description)

Hot Clean Air Crop Dryer is used mainly for producing dried pineapples for domestic market and for domestic value adding to your crops and products. It consists of 12 trays, 5 m² drying area for products and stainless-steel mesh. It has a flexible use for not only pineapple but other products such as mango, kava, white copra, coffee, cacao, nangai nut and many more. 

Please upload a picture of the solution.

Is this solution DIY / open source or IP protected?

Will the solution holder be able to train others (including end-users) in using or replicating the solution?

What is the unit cost of this Solution along with any additional cost for maintenance and training?

200, 000VUV/unit

Is this solution a prototype or product?

If this solution is a product, is it available in the market (off the shelf) or advance order has to be given?

Are there any other potential bottlenecks affecting cross-border or in country diffusion of this solution?

This solution can be easily replicated in other countries.

Please add the location where this solution was found.

Vanuatu found using OpenCage Geocoder | © OpenStreetMap contributors