Please be aware that the content herein is comprised of personal reflections, observations, and insights from our contributors. It is not necessarily exhaustive or authoritative, but rather reflects individual perspectives. While we aim for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness or up-to-date nature of the content.What is the name of the solution holder? (main contact person, if multiple)
Shanjidul Alam Seban Shaan
What is the address and preferred way to contact the solution holder?
What is the purpose of the solution? (brief problem & solution description)
Project LightUpTogether aims to spread Ecovation's innovations & technologies around the country. Ecovation partners up with nonprofit voluntary organizations, university clubs & other community service entities to implement their initiatives locally. They train the organizations on making solar lamps & streetlights out of easily available materials, then they raise funds locally and light up their own locality by volunteer-made lights. Ecovation shares tutorials of their innovations online so that anyone can adopt the technology and light up communities.
Please upload a picture of the solution.
Will the solution holder be able to train others (including end-users) in using or replicating the solution?
Is this solution a prototype or product?
If this solution is a product, is it available in the market (off the shelf) or advance order has to be given?