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Yavi Solar Streetlights: EcoAndina Foundation
Contribuíram por Argentina.
17 de maio de 2022

What is the name of the solution holder? (main contact person, if multiple)

Silvia Rojo, Executive Director

What is the address and preferred way to contact the solution holder?

Does the solution holder have any institutional affiliation in country?

Silvia Rojo, EcoAndina Foundation

What is the purpose of the solution? (brief problem & solution description)

Most of the towns located in the puna are not connected to the national or provincial power grid. In general, they must be autonomous and generate energy with diesel fuel with high costs and the consequent emission of greenhouse gases. Others have generation through photovoltaic microgrids, and the energy is not always enough to cover public lighting in the towns’ access or in their social areas. In general, in the towns, the electrical service is rationalized and limited.   Solving the lighting problem in unlit areas of Pueblo Casti and spreading the use of solar technology for clean and efficient lighting are the premises of this project. Photovoltaic equipment will be purchased with the use of LED lights and batteries that enable system autonomy for several days even in the absence of sun.

Please upload a picture of the solution.

Please insert a link to the solution. 

Is this solution DIY / open source or IP protected?

Will the solution holder be able to train others (including end-users) in using or replicating the solution?

Is this solution a prototype or product?

What is the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of this solution?

Prototype system

Please add the location where this solution was found.

Jujuy, Argentina found using OpenCage Geocoder | © OpenStreetMap contributors