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Citizen science on Mapping of juvenile fish
Contribuíram por Argentina.
15 de dezembro de 2023

Contributory project: It is designed by members of the scientific community, and citizens participate in data collection. 

Overall goal: 

Map the presence, abundance, and distribution of juvenile fish used for commercial fishing in lotic and lentic environments of the Paraná River within Argentinian territories. 

Specific goals: 

Learn more about fish use patterns (fry and juveniles, mainly use patterns of fish species of commercial/recreational significance) in the great spatial heterogeneity of the Paraná river. This is done according to the hydro-geomorphological characteristics of the system, in lotic/lentic environments, and in relation to connectivity. 

Monitor the reproductive success of commercial fish species based on the recording of fry/juvenile specimens in the Paraná river (within Argentinian territory), during and after cases of extraordinary low tide. 

Description of citizen participation: Citizens send photographic records of identified juvenile fish with data on species, size, location, and estimated quantity through different media (Instagram, email, WhatsApp), which helps to determine the updated distribution of juvenile specimens in the Paraná river. 

Time frame: 09/01/2022 - N/A. 

Project leaders: 

Pia Rabuffetti, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) 

Gabriel Ducasse, Ríos Sanos Foundation 

Contact information:  

Email: pia.rabuffetti@conicet.gov.ar, gabifishing16@gmail.com 

Instagram: instagram.com/map.peces.parana 

Form for uploading information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6gbCcECRdQHy5SZtsac7xr7XBhzfdCustUd1-NiP56brMjw/viewform